Auberge Transition is a feminist organization whose primary mandate is to offer shelter, information, counselling and follow-up services inclusive to all women who are currently experiencing or have experienced any form of intimate partner violence. Auberge Transition serves all women, with or without children, of all cultures and backgrounds.
Through public education we inform the community about the nature and extent of the problem of intimate partner violence, the myths and stereotypes that often surround it and the routes available to address abuse. As such, we aim to break the isolation and inform as many people as possible that help is available at all times for women and their children.
Our services offered to victims :
- Safe accommodation; short and medium stays (up to 3 months).
- Follow-up with a counselor assigned to the case
- Accompaniment to various services according to needs and availability
- Advocacy for services such as: legal aid, social aid, immigration
- Interpreter services according to the services offered by the bank of interpreters, if possible
- All our services are offered free of charge with the exception of certain internal rules: if the resident has a source of income, she is responsible for her own transportation costs, medication, personal care products and baby diapers.
- 24/7 telephone support
- Youth services for mothers and children such as meetings and workshops. This service does not include childcare.
Our Commitment to You & Your Rights:
- You have the right to discuss the information in your file with your caregiver, and if you sign a release of information authorizing Auberge Transition to share information with outside resources, you have the right to specifically discuss what information will be disclosed
- Ensure the confidentiality of your information
- Ensure availability for weekly meetings
- You have the right to obtain intimate partner violence services. If we are unable to help you, we will make every effort to refer you to outside resources.
- You have the right to be informed of the services available to you here, to participate in the decision-making process, and to actively participate in decisions about your needs
- You have the right to receive services free of discrimination.
- You have the right to receive assistance to overcome language, cultural or physical barriers. (To the extent possible)
- You have the right to be informed of the health and social services resources available in the community and the conditions for accessing these services.
- You have the right to make a complaint, knowing that your care will not be compromised in any way. If you have a problem with services and cannot resolve it with your worker, please bring it to the attention of management.
Complaint Mechanism
- The person responsible for receiving complaints
The Executive Director and/or Associate Director
- The procedure for submitting a complaint
In person or by email indicating a description of the complaint, the date of the event, the name of the person(s) involved
- You have the right to be informed of the outcome of the complaint
- The time frame for processing a complaint
The complaint will be processed within 10 days
- If you are still not satisfied with the response to your complaint, or if the deadline has not been met, you can contact the Complaints Commissioner;
Ms. Céline Roy.
Mailing address: 4675 Bélanger Street, Montreal QC H1T 1C2.
Telephone: 514 593-3600.
Fax: 514 593-2106.
ATS: 514 284-3747.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Coordinates and opening hours
Auberge Transition is located on the island of Montreal with a confidential address. However, people can reach us by mail;
P.O. Box 266, NDG, Montreal, Quebec H4A 3p6
By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By phone: 514-481-0495
By fax: 514-481-8926
Our services are open 24/7, 365 days a year.
This service statement was adopted by the Board of Directors on May 26, 2022